Please note that all the Yield Products provided on Coinomo platform contains various level of risks. Please be sure to read the following information and the product risks descriptions in app. The information provide here does not represent a complete study of all the risks associated.
- Yield products uses smart contract, a program running on Ethereum blockchain, to manage USDC stablecoins. The products allow you to lend the USDC coins (Staking) to other users for mining, trading, staking or other activities for a fee. Coinomo is just a selling channel for such products, we do not provide the product and services described.
- All the yield products carry various level of risks and the quoted returns are not guaranteed. Coinomo is not liable for any customer losses with these products. You as buyer of such products agree to bear the financial risks and returns associated with such products.
- Please be notified that you will be charge management fees and result oriented carried interests. Management fees are calculated at a percentage of your investment amount. The carried interests are charged only on profits generated with the investments in yield products. You can find the specific fees in our fee structure page.
- You acknowledge and agree that any disputes or arguments you have on the yield investments and yield products are with the product merchants. Unless explicitly proven that Coinomo’s direct actions resulted in customer’s loss, all the losses, disputes and quarrels you may have on yield investment products are between you and the product merchants, please contact the merchant directly for remedies.
- You acknowledge and agree that all the returns quoted in the smart contracts and yield products are reference returns and rates from past products and do not represent the returns and rates you may get in the future. All the return estimates associated with the yield products are speculative and estimations, to be served as references for your considerations. You should not take these rates and returns as the actual rates and returns you will be entitled to. Coinomo is not responsible for the deviations from the quoted rates and returns. Please assess all the risks carefully before you invest in the yield products.
- You acknowledge and agree that Coinomo is not responsible to provide all the risk analysis associated with yield products and the above risks are by no means exhaustive. You will conduct your own due diligence and risk analysis before you invest in the yield products.
- You acknowledge and agree that all the materials provided on Coinomo platform on yield products are estimates for your reference only. We are not able to check the accuracy, validity and merits of these materials. Coinomo, our managers and directors take no responsibilities for these information and materials provided.
- 本商品為使用以太坊區塊鏈上的智能合約管理美元穩定幣 USDC,並與其他智能合約交互進行 USDC 放貸或流動性挖礦賺取報酬。本 App 僅為銷售通路。有關本商品之相關資料(包括但不限於過去報酬率以及過去績效等),均由智能合約提供。
- 您於購買本商品前,已確實詳閱相關資料及其規定,並於了解各項投資風險之前提下,基於自身之判斷與評估後始決定是否購買。
- 本商品具有風險,且本商品亦不保證收益。除此之外,因本 App 僅為銷售通路,無法擔保投資盈虧或運作績效。請您於購買前務必詳閱相關資料,以了解並承擔購買本商品可能產生之損益。
- 您瞭解並同意,在您購買本商品後,智能合約可能會收取管理費或績效費。管理費乃按照您購買所投入 USDC 數量之一定比例為計算;績效費依照您購買本商品所投入之 USDC 數量,所額外獲取 USDC 利潤之一定比例為計算。
- 您瞭解並同意,本 App 僅為銷售通路。是以,就任何因購買本商品所產生之爭執與爭議或有關消費者權益保障事項發生時,除可證明係因可歸責於本 App 所提供平台服務之因素所致者外,均由智能合約的開發商負責辦理。如有前開爭議發生時,您應向智能合約的開發商尋求救濟。
- 您瞭解並同意,就智能合約所提供資料所載之過去報酬率、過去績效等相關資料,均不代表未來報酬率或績效之保證。有關本商品之各種預測情況(包含走勢預測等)亦不必然代表未來結果,相關內容僅供參考,請您審慎考量本身之需求與投資風險。
- 本應注意事項僅列舉大端,對於本商品之風險及影響交易操作之市場等種種因素無法一一列舉與詳述,請您確實做好規劃與風險評估,以避免貿然購買而遭受難以承受之損失。
- 智能合約所提供資料僅供參考用途,如有錯漏或疏忽,本 App 及經營本 App 之公司、與其任何董事、經理人、負責人或受僱人,均不負任何法律責任。