Defi Smart Contracts Investment Risks
- Smart contract risk: Smart contract is a program running on the blockchain. The program may have bugs, hacked attacks, or business logic errors, which may lead to asset loss in the contract.
- Contract management risk: The contract may require someone or other contracts to perform program updates, upload data and other management. There might be some human error or negligence in operation or improper management, resulting in the loss of assets in the contract.
- Systematic risk: The Ethereum blockchain is also composed of programs and it may also have bugs or be hacked, which may cause malfunctions and affect its applications.
- Other risks: Blockchain and its applications are emerging technologies, which may include other risks that are not listed above.
Risk Analysis Score
- Low risk: Defi score 10~7
- Medium risk: Defi score 7~4
- High risk: Defi score 4~1
Defi Score is a risk analysis tool developed by American firm Consensys, to assess Defi platform risks. Defi Score is built upon six major assessment dimensions and contains a score from 0 to 10, with 0 representing the lowest risk.
The six assessment dimensions are:
- Time on Main net
- No Critical Vulnerabilities
- Engineer Weeks
- Public Audit
- Recent Audit
- Bounty Program
Please refer to the Whitepaper for more details
DeFi 智能投資風險
- 智能合約風險:智能合約為運行在區塊鏈上之程式,程式可能會有漏洞、遭駭客攻擊或業務邏輯錯誤等導致合約內的資產損失。
- 合約管理風險:合約可能需要有人或其他合約進行程式更新、上傳資料等管理,就有可能會有人為操作疏失或不當之管理導致合約內的資產損失。
- 系統性風險:以太坊區塊鏈也是由程式構成,其也可能會有漏洞或是遭駭客攻擊等導致功能失常並影響其上之應用。
- 其他風險:區塊鏈及其上之應用為新興之技術,其可能包含以上未列出之其他風險。
- 低風險:DeFi Score 介於 10-7。
- 中風險:DeFi Score 介於 7-4。
- 高風險:DeFi Score 介於 4-1。
DeFi Score 是由美國 Consensys 研發的一套風險分析工具,專門用於分析 DeFi 平台的風險。根據 6 大指標評斷出一個介於 0-10 之間的分數,分數越高風險越低。
- 產品上線時間長度 Time on Mainnet
- 是否有已知程式漏洞 No Critical Vulnerabilities
- 工程師花費多少時間 Engineer Weeks
- 是否有公開的審計 Public Audit
- 是否最近有被審計 Recent Audit
- 使否有漏洞懸賞計畫 Bounty Program